Author : Bimal jalan
Publisher : Penguin Books
Language : English
Pages : 307 pages
ISBN : 978-0-143-42032-3
Emerging India - Bimal Jalan
This book is different from my earlier ones. This is a collection of selected papers, lectures and some unpublished notes from personal archives. Most of the papers selected for publication in this book relate to the period 1990-2010, with the exception of three unpublished notes from 1974-75, on the reform of the industrial and import licensing policy. The papers brought together in this book have been chosen to provide a broad overview of the evolution of India's politics, economics, governance and economic reforms over the past two decades and their implications for the future.
I should mention that papers in this book are a relatively small part of a larger collection of old papers in the archives. The larger collection—containing more than 450 papers—has been passed on to the library of the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER), New Delhi, for use by staff members of NCAER for research and reference purposes, subject to applicable copyright rules.
In addition to my own papers, notes and memos, the collection of papers in the NCAER archive contains copies of published articles by several eminent economists and experts on India's past, present and future. These articles, spread over the past five decades, provide a most useful account of developments in the theory and practice of economic policymaking in developing societies, including India, after the end of the colonial era.
I owe a deep debt of gratitude to several persons who helped me at various stages of the project. Papers in my personal archives were written at different points of time over a long period, in different contexts, and covered a large variety of subjects. The task of preparing this volume, and selecting papers of contemporary interest out to be much more difficult than I had originally anticipated particularly grateful to Satish Choudhary for his meticulous wor in preparing the manuscript for publication, to B.B. Chand and his team at the NCAER library for downloading numerous articles and scanning them for consideration and to K.D. Sharma for his organizational and other help.
I deeply appreciate the expert advice received from Shashank, Bhide on the selection of papers, whenever I asked for it, and to Ms Anuradha Bhasin for copy-editing and preparing the manuscript. I am especially grateful to Udayan Mitra at Penguin for his invaluable help and guidance at different stages of the book's publication. Ameya Nagarajan did the final editing of the book within a very short period. I am thankful to her for her meticulous work.

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